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This is a test/experiment page for member directory; this page is only viewable to site admin & editors.

the "regular" member directory displays the membership to view all members, except for the admin, inactive, etc.

Once get it working, convert VP direcory to be the admin view to show ALL the users; allow to filter out the inactive members, contributors, etc.  (be sure to select all the types of roles just in case someone inadvertently gets assigned a role?  Maybe place on a separate page/admin page?


WP User (roles) include inactive but UM doesn't have an inactive role, so the 128 members are showing up in the directory list/view.

in UM roles - deactivated - why does this role have ANY WP Capabilities? (only has read)

Experiment - Uses Member Directory:

all members could use this to view active members; won't be able to see admin ids.


Experiment -VP's test (uses Member Directory VP Directory):

on 10/28/21 edited this form.

User Roles to display -; User Roles that can search - 


Experiment -VP's test:

on 3/8/21 edited this form(?).

User Roles to display - removed admin; User Roles that can search - removed deactivated and deceased