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I am sorry to announce that Chris Rettig is stepping down from the Long Hike Support Chairperson position. Chris served faithfully and very capably in this capacity for many years. She successfully recruited volunteers to support the hikers during the Annual 26 and 40-mile hikes, providing food, snacks, beverages at aid stations and at central locations. Volunteers also drove the hike route to identify  and assist hikers in need. CHC will sorely miss Chris’ leadership in this position.

CHC is in need of a volunteer to fill this chairperson position as the annual long hikes are coming up in April and May. There are a variety of ways to manage this role. If  two or three members would like to serve as co-chairpersons rather than a single individual that would be great. And members might choose to temporarily fill this position as the search for a new chairperson continues. Please contact me with any and all ideas or if you have questions about this position.

Sharon Uhl, President


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