Hello CHC Members,
The 2024 Cleveland Hiking Club General Election has now been completed and was run very smoothly and without incident. Election Administrator Gene Baxendale has provided the election results to us.
Congratulations to the members who were elected; their term will start on 1/1/2025:
Debbi Oblak: Recording Secretary
Kim Barkfelt: Corresponding Secretary
Doug Hardman: Trustee
Matt Collings: Director
Jane Grose: Director
David Croasdaile: Director
John Fahrm: Director
Ron Hueter: Director
All 19 of the Constitution and Bylaws issues passed, each with at least a 90% approval vote.
Here are a few statistics from this year’s election:
* There were 1,245 eligible voters
* 1,212 members were sent their ballot link via email
* 33 members were sent their ballot link via postal mail
* 429 members (34%) voted in the election
Submitted by Ellen Papadimoulis, Vice President, on behalf of Sharon Uhl, President